L. Cherubini, L. van Beethoven

Quasi una Fantasia

Davide Cabassi (pianoforte)

1 CD  – Total time: 56:41
Booklet 12 pages, Italian/English


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Ludwig van Beethoven

Sonata in E-flat major op. 27 no. 1
1 – Andante – Allegro – Tempo I
2 – Allegro molto e vivace
3 – Adagio con espressione
4 – Allegro vivace


Luigi Cherubini

Caprice ou Etude pour le Fortepiano
5 – Allegro Moderato – Presto
6 – Lento Assai – Allegro – Moderato – Presto [batt.58].
7 – Moderato – Allegro (1st fugato) [batt. 76]
8 – Moderato – Lento [batt. 225]
9 – Allegro (2nd fugato) [batt. 365]
10 – Andantino [batt. 493]
11 – Allegro – Allegro – Adagio – Adagio – Allegro [batt. 622]
12 – Adagio [batt. 781]
13 – Allegro (3rd fugato) [batt. 825]


Ludwig van Beethoven

Sonata in C sharp minor op. 27 no. 2
14 – Adagio Sostenuto
15 – Allegretto
16 – Presto Agitato

Great attention to be focused on the “Capriccio ou étude pour le fortepiano” written by Cherubini, a great Italo-French composer of Florentine origin, but who moved in 1786 to Paris where he was later awarded the honor as Commandeur de la Légion d’honneur; the first artist ever to receive such a title. The “Capriccio” was composed in 1789 and is believed to have been a true musical “folly” for the piano, an arduous and usually little performed work.
Beethoven held Cherubini in high esteem and considered him the greatest artist among his contemporaries.
Nothing to add to Beethoven’s already well-known Sonatas op.27 nos. 1 and 2 that complement this fine recording that once again offers us a ‘performance of great intensity by Davide Cabassi on piano.