Sonata No. 1: The Battle between David and Goliath
[1] The boasting of Goliath
[2] The trembling of the Israelites at the appearence of the Giant, and their prayer made to God
[3] The courage of David, and his desire to humble the arrogance of his dreadful enemy, together with
his confidence placed in the aid of God
[4] The struggle between the two, and their contest – with his sling, David throws the flint at the
forehead of the Giant – Goliath falls
[5] The flight of the Philistines, who are pursued by the Israelites
[6] The joy of the Israelites at their victory
[7] The concert of music by the women in honor of David
[8] The general jubilation, and the dances of joyfulness of the people
Sonata No. 2: Saul, who is cured by David through means of music
[9] Saul’s Affliction and Madness
[10] The refreshing music of David’s harp
[11] The King’s mind once more at peace
Sonata No. 3: The Wedding of Jacob
[12] The rejoicing of Laban’s whole household over the arrival of their dear cousin Jacob
[13] Jacob’s servitude lightened by his love for Rachel
[14] The bridal song sung by Rachel’s friends
[15] His wedding, and the congratulations
[16] Laban’s deceit
[17] The happy bridgeroom during the wedding night. Although his heart whispers a warning to him.
He puts this aside and falls asleep. Jacob’s bitterness over the deception
Sonata No. 4: Hezekiah, who being sick unto death, is restored again to health
[18] The troubled heart of King Hezekiah at the warning of his death and his ardent prayer for recovery
in a Lament
[19] His confidence that GOD has already heard his prayer
[20] Hezekiah’s joy at his recovery with fleeting thoughts of the former evil which however soon fade
from his memory
Sonata No. 5: Gideon, the deliverer of Israel
[21] Gideon’s doubt towards God’s promise of victory
[22] His fear at the sight of the mighty army of the enemy
[23] His redoubled courage on hearing the dream of one of the enemy, and its interpretation
[24] Gideon encourages his soldiers
[25] The sounding of the trumpets, the shattering of the pitchers and the battle cry
[26] The rout of the enemy and the pursuit of the Israelites
[27] The joy at the momentous victory of the Israelites
Sonata No. 6: The death and burial Of Jacob
[28] The sorrowful feelings of the children of Israel at the deathbed of their beloved father
[29] Their affliction at his death, and their thoughts ad to what would ensue therefrom
[30] The journey from Egypt into the land of Canaan
[31] The burial of Israel and the accompanying bitter lamentation.
[32] The consolation of the bereaved ones