Benedetto Marcello

Psalms and Sonatas Vol. I

Ensemble Salomone Rossi, Lydia Cevidalli (conductor and solo violin)

1 CD  – Total time: 1:17:19
Booklet 36 pages, Italian/English


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1) Salmo 27 a due Canto, e Alto


2) Sonata in sol maggiore per cembalo solo


3) Sonata in sol minore per violino e basso continuo op.2 numero 3


4) Salmo 15 Alto solo con violoncello


5) Sonata in fa maggiore per violino e basso continuo


6) Salmo 8 Alto solo

The project provides for the creation of a complete registration of the work “L’Estro Poetico-armonico”, music by Benedetto Marcello, texts by Gerolamo Ascanio Giustiniani. The project started in 2013 within the Madesimo Music Festival, on the initiative and support of Mario Marcarini and under the artistic direction of Lydia Cevidalli, director of the Ensemble Salomone Rossi. The record project proposes a comparison of manuscripts and editions to know the steps that led to these transcriptions and a comparison of data to identify the methods of frequentation of Marcello with members of the Jewish community. The record released in autumn 2018 contains the recording of 3 psalms, including Psalm 15 with the presence of a Jewish melody, and some chamber music.